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Become a Member

Come together with inclusive Heathens across Canada to celebrate our shared values as well as our diversity. Together we are shaping the way Canada views our religion and its symbols. 



Be united.

United with fellow Heathens our voices are stronger. By being a member of the HCC you are directly involved in steering Heathenry in Canada forward. Members have assurance that fellow members are inclusive of diversity and want to see our religion prosper in healthy ways.

Be represented.

Should governments, employers or institutions attempt to impede on Heathens’ Charter Rights to express our religion, the HCC will be there to advocate.

Be engaged.

Through census, surveys and member votes, your voice will be counted and help us steer to fulfill the seven HCC mandates, as well as work on our commitment towards Truth and Reconcilliation with Indigenous Peoples. There are also lots of opportunities for you to volunteer and help grow our organization from the ground up.

Membership Fees & Benefits

Joining the HCC will cost you $30 upon joining, and $30 annually thereafter. 


Upon joining you will get your Membership Card, access to the private members’ group on Facebook and the right to take part in meetings of the members as well as elections when they occur.

You will also receive updates from the National Council and will have plenty of opportunities to have your say and be involved.


As a Heathen

As an Ally

  • Learn about us and inclusive Heathenry

  • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

  • Tell others about inclusive Heathenry and our purpose as an organization

You Can Help Us

Do you want to help us achieve our goals? We are still a young and growing organization. There are various ways you can help us.

Copyright © 2022 The Heathen Confederation of Canada. All rights reserved. 

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